Professor Asoka Bandarage served on the faculties of Brandeis University, Georgetown University and Mount Holyoke. She is the author of Colonialism in Sri Lanka;Women, Population and […]
Tag: sanctions
Insights into Media Manipulation and War Propaganda from a Leading German Expert and Researcher in the Field of Propaganda and Bias Research
Germany’s “Zeitenwende” (turning point in history) brings back disturbing memories. Exclusive Interview withDr. phil. Christian Hardinghaus, M.A., M.Ed. born in 1978 in Osnabrück, Germany, at […]
Shut out of Western Markets, Top Exec Arrested, Access to Chips and Other Technologies Denied by the US: Instead of being Destroyed, Huawei is Reemerging Stronger than Ever!
The Empire Strikes The moon waxes and wanes, the tide ebbs and flows, empires come and go but some empires come more than once. This […]
Insights from an Insider: Everything about Russia you’ve always wanted to know but can’t learn from the mainstream media.
Exclusive Interview with Dr. Peter Hanseler, Moscow. — Part 2 Part 1 of the interview is here Peter Hanseler born in 1964, holds a doctorate […]
Insights from an Insider: Everything about Russia you’ve always wanted to know but can’t learn from the mainstream media.
Exclusive Interview with Dr. Peter Hanseler, Moscow. — Part 1 Peter Hanseler born in 1964, holds a doctorate in business law (Dr. iur.) from the […]
Exposed: The US-led West circumvents anti-Russian sanctions when they don’t serve its selfish interests and forces other states to apply them.
Five stark examples that Washington’s Western mainstream media partners cannot and must not divulge. “Rampant financial anonymity in places like the U.S. makes it relatively […]
The latest act in the Washington-orchestrated drama of regime change in Venezuela: a new heroic leader fighting for “democracy and freedom” emerges.
U.S. sanctions (the dreaded hunger weapon that kills and devastates indiscriminately, as opposed to military weapons that are targeted) are killing all over the world, […]
World Bank: Russia overtakes Germany.As a reminder, last year Germany called for Russia to be ruined. It is only bringing itself down.
According to a new World Bank report, Russia has overtaken Germany as the largest European economy. In terms of gross domestic product (GDP) based on […]