Much news in the east As it had no intention of invading Ukraine, Russia was prepared to negotiate with the United States at the end […]
Tag: Russia
Distraction and Omertà have become the standard response of the elites in Germany and other Western “democratic” countries to cover up their debacles. The most recent striking example:
The revelation of the Bundeswehr’s plan to cut off supplies and transportation to two million Crimeans has outraged the German political class and the media, […]
No Business is like Political Show Business: The German Foreign Minister narrowly “escapes” from a Russian drone on the Ukrainian war front in designer clothes and high heels.
When a courageous Western pioneer and top politician visited the dangerous war zone of Kiev The American president’s security forces did not drag him to […]
The Munich Bubble: A Report from the Collective West‘s (in)Security Conference
Photo: US Senator Lindsey O. Graham, a vocal spokesman for the military-industrial complex and ardent supporter of wars, from Afghanistan to Iraq, Iran, Syria and […]
The next German ruling party, led by a former BlackRock manager, has just declared war on Moscow and is stirring up anti-Russian sentiment, just as its predecessors did eighty years ago.
Germany invaded Russia in June 1941. This German propaganda poster from the summer of 1943 calls for people to “build weapons for the front.” Today’s […]
America’s Stupid World War
‘Israel’s’ six-front war is just one theatre in the American multiplex of horror. America is fighting multiple wars, and constantly trying to start new ones. I know they’re […]
Who Benefits From Navalny’s Death, Putin or His Enemies?
A death beyond doubt? By immediately blaming Vladimir Putin for the death of Alexei Navalny, Western politicians, pundits, and the media have shown us that […]
Biden Administration is Silent as Former Pakistani Prime Minister is Sentenced to 10 Years For Revealing How the U.S. Pushed For His Removal
The Biden administration claims that U.S. foreign policy works to uphold human rights and democracy while containing rising authoritarian powers such as Russia and China. […]