TikTok not only destroys Silicon Valley’s monopoly by competing furiously with its platforms, it also steals their space, which was previously shielded, as the White […]
Tag: plutocracy
When the Chinese Prime Minister was Vietnamese: In the Meritocracy Invented by China, Everyone, Even Foreigners, Had Equal Opportunities. A Sensational New Study Looks at the Tang Dynasty, Which Founded China’s Revolutionary Model of Success that Endures to This Day.
“Chinese can’t innovate” (Harvard Business Review, 2014), they are dumb copycats, and “China is a threat to world peace”, they want to rule the world […]
Australia isn’t a Democracy, it’s a Murdochracy
Media should not create the news, a Journalist’s job is to report the news, in doing so, they might join some dots, make educated guesses […]
Wall Street attacks on China.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wants to dictate terms to Beijing.
What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on […]