Illustration: Felix Abt The global environment faces a significant challenge and increased turbulence as the United States plans to cut off China’s oil supply from […]
Tag: economic war
The Economic War Against China Turns Chinese Into Patriots
Just fifteen years ago, China’s consumers were flocking to Western brands. Now they prefer Chinese ones. The fate of the Starbucks Group is telling: its […]
Why Doesn’t China Respond in Kind to the Aggressive Coercion, Bans & Sanctions by U.S. Leaders Towards China?
The Lewis Culture Model Reveals The Answer… READ IN APP Why doesn’t China ever respond in kind to the aggressive coercion, bans & sanctions by […]
The West’s own goal: although the sanctions severely harm countries such as Cuba and Venezuela, they are a great gift for Russia. The American economist Galbraith provides a well-founded explanation
The people of smaller, more vulnerable nations suffer from sanctions. America’s go-to hunger weapon of choice when it comes to nations that defy its will […]
Western presumptuousness and Russophobia are being displaced by reality — A sober look at Russia’s strengths.
Russia is a growing giant with a self-confident people – led by professionals. Introduction In our article “Ukraine – review, sanctions, Germany’s downfall“, we summarized […]
China’s economy is now a staggering 22% bigger than America’s, but for differing reasons, neither nation wants to acknowledge this fact. And why the Europeans don’t (want to) get a bigger slice of the growing cake.
In a December 2023 article titled “Sorry America, China has a bigger economy than you” (see screenshot above), the Financial Times notes that China’s economy […]
A Year of Lying about Nord Stream
The Biden administration has acknowledged neither its responsibility for the pipeline bombing nor the purpose of the sabotage I do not know much about covert […]
Exposed: The US-led West circumvents anti-Russian sanctions when they don’t serve its selfish interests and forces other states to apply them.
Five stark examples that Washington’s Western mainstream media partners cannot and must not divulge. “Rampant financial anonymity in places like the U.S. makes it relatively […]