Can you guess where I am at the moment? In any event, it does not appeal to Western elites or Israel.

Western elites or Israel

The American and European elites despise the statesman pictured with me. He is too independent, refuses to participate in the US economic and military wars against Russia and China, and opposes the US-backed genocide of the Palestinian people.

No doubt, his opponents seek a “regime change” to replace him with a Turkish Olaf Scholz who will faithfully carry out the goals of the US empire at the detriment of his own country.

The CIA, non-governmental organizations backed by the US government, and oligarchs like Soros are undoubtedly working overtime to get rid of him.

It’s a familiar pattern: when the CIA, the NED and the NGOs funded by Soros and other oligarchs sense a dangerous enemy, they always claim that they are fighting an opponent of “democracy” and “human rights”, but it’s always about power.

The US supported the genocidal Khmer Rouge when it suited them, or Islamists and terrorists when they were their useful idiots, or helped autocrats seize power through military and other coups when it served their interests.

The export of “democracy” to other countries is itself a farce when even the British state broadcaster BBC reports that the USA itself is not a democracy but an oligarchy. Don’t believe in their fairy tale of democracy.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz simultaneously threatens to have the US kill Turkey’s president for an additional reason and says that the US went to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein allegedly endangered Israel.

Saddam was indeed opposed to a Greater Israel from the river to the sea, which would most likely take sections or all of Jordan, Lebanon, and possibly other countries.

As Erdogan is a tough cookie, we’ll see if they can achieve their goal.