Felix Abt They are often arrogant, know-it-all and lecturing rather than knowledgeable In the course of my professional career, I have hired many employees. In […]
Author: Felix Abt
Felix Abt is a Swiss entrepreneur residing in Asia, who has lived in nine countries, including North Korea and Vietnam, and roamed many more on all continents, and who has never had any desire to lecture or even liberate other people. Fortunately, he has also never been arrested to this day.
His unconventional life experience has given him a somewhat unconventional view of things, which the conventional mainstream censors, but which he is happy to share on independent media portals. He holds the credo that one must praise where others criticize, and criticize where others praise. His Amazon author profile can be found here.
Where does the Russian fear of Western aggressors come from?
By Felix Abt [Source: Screenshot of Los Angeles Times headline] In its 1,000-year history, Russia has never fought a war against Western Europe. Conversely, it […]
“Largest car theft in history”: Did North Korea steal Volvo cars from Sweden?
Felix Abt “The Express”, just like the rest of the Western North Korea-bashing media bubble, likes to talk fact-free about the alleged biggest car theft […]